List of peer reviewed publications, conference papers and media appearances of FoodRes and SQS projects.
Gardening as a responsible leisure activity: The geography of Central European food self-provisioning
Petr Daněk, Petr Jehlička (2024). Gardening as a responsible leisure activity: The geography of Central European food self-provisioning. Erdkunde 78(4): 273-287. online
From coping strategy to hopeful everyday practice: Changing interpretations of food self-provisioning
Petr Daněk, Lucie Sovová, Petr Jehlička, Jan Vávra, Miloslav Lapka (2022). From coping strategy to hopeful everyday practice: Changing interpretations of food self-provisioning. Sociologia Ruralis 62(3): 651-671. online
Beyond hardship and joy: Framing home gardening on insights from the European semi-periphery
Petr Jehlička, Branko Ančić, Petr Daněk, Mladen Domazet (2021). Beyond hardship and joy: Framing home gardening on insights from the European semi-periphery. Geoforum 126: 150-158. online
Digital food sharing: motivation and practice of sharing in Czechia (Digitální sdílení jídla: motivace a praxe sdílení v Česku)
Alena Rýparová (2021). Digitální sdílení jídla: motivace a praxe sdílení v Česku. Geografie 126 (3): 263-287. open access The article (in Czech language) focuses on the topic of sharing food…
Introduction to the Special Issue “A Systemic Perspective on Urban Food Supply: Assessing Different Types of Urban Agriculture”
Martina Artmann, Kathrin Specht, Jan Vávra, Marius Rommel (2021). Introduction to the Special Issue “A Systemic Perspective on Urban Food Supply: Assessing Different Types of Urban Agriculture”. Sustainability 13 (7),…
Quietly degrowing: food self provisioning in Central Europe
Paper “Quietly degrowing: food self-provisioning in Central Europe” at the Building Alternative Livelihoods in times of ecological and political crisis conference.
East European Food Gardens as Spaces of Care
Paper “East European Food Gardens as Spaces of Care” at the special session “Towards the Hopeful Anthropocene: Sustainability Experimenting from the Margins” at EUGEO 2021 conference
Growing the Beautiful Anthropocene: Ethics of Care in East European Food Gardens
Lucie Sovová, Petr Jehlička, Petr Daněk (2021). Growing the Beautiful Anthropocene: Ethics of Care in East European Food Gardens. Sustainability 13 (9): 5193. online Paper in special issue Geographies of…
Quietly degrowing: Food self-provisioning in Central Europe
A book chapter by Petr Daněk and Petr Jehlička in edited book Food for Degrowth: Perspectives and Practices.
Why I Would Want to Live in the Village If I Was Not Interested in Cultivating the Plot? A Study of Home Gardening in Rural Czechia
Paper focused on rural home gardening by Jan Vávra, Zdeňka Smutná and Vladan Hruška published in Sustainability.
Sítě pravého sdílení a sociální kapitál (True Sharing Networks and Social Capital)
Paper on sharing and social capital by Alena Rýparová in journal Sociální studia (in Czech language).
Eastern Europe and the geography of knowledge production: The case of the invisible gardener
A new paper by Petr Jehlička in Progress in Human Geography
Reimagining Informal Food Practices: Sustainability Lessons from the European East
Presentation “Reimagining Informal Food Practices: Sustainability Lessons from the European East” at online symposium “Transitioning Cultures of Everyday Food Consumption and Production: Stories from a Post-growth Future”
Garden and kitchen biowaste management in households
Jan Vávra: “Garden and kitchen biowaste management in households”. Online presentation at POWER4BIO project cross-visit in Czechia organised by University of South Bohemia on 1 December 2020. Presentation
Food self-provisioning in 21st century: overview of 15 years of research in Czechia
Conference presentation “Food self-provisioning in 21st century: overview of 15 years of research in Czechia” by Jan Vávra.
Informal food production and sharing webinars
The Spaces of Quiet Sustainability Collective prepares a series of three webinars on informal food production and sharing.
Neither Poor nor Cool: Practising Food Self-Provisioning in Allotment Gardens in the Netherlands and Czechia
Sovová, L. & Veen, E. (2020). Neither Poor nor Cool: Practising Food Self-Provisioning in Allotment Gardens in the Netherlands and Czechia. Sustainability, 12(12), 5134. Open Access AbstractWhile urban gardening and…
Urban gardeners as localised prosumers within circular economy: Case studies of home, allotment and community gardening
Jan Vávra, Miloslav Lapka, Lucie Sovová, Petr Daněk, Petr Jehlička, Jan Macháč, Lenka DubováPaper presented at virtual Dresden Nexus Conference, held 3-5 June 2020 in Dresden, Germany. Presentation .
Sketches of food, agriculture, gardening and sustainability in the times of Covid-19
Jan Vávra Essay in the Times of Covid-19 series publishing “flash reflections” on temporal and rhythmic shifts in various social terrains in pandemic times. (22 April 2020). open access
Thinking food like an East European: A critical reflection on the framing of food systems
Petr Jehlička, Miķelis Grīviņš, Oane Visser, Bálint Balázs Journal of Rural Studies. (in press). Open access until 9 July, otherwise standard access via ScienceDirect. Recently published provocative but also reflexive…