Sovová, L. & Veen, E. (2020). Neither Poor nor Cool: Practising Food Self-Provisioning in Allotment Gardens in the Netherlands and
Month: June 2020

Food during the Covid-19 pandemic researchFood during the Covid-19 pandemic research
Team member Jan Vávra participates in the international research Our relationship with food during the Covid-19 pandemic. Led by Danish

Urban gardeners as localised prosumers within circular economy: Case studies of home, allotment and community gardeningUrban gardeners as localised prosumers within circular economy: Case studies of home, allotment and community gardening
Jan Vávra, Miloslav Lapka, Lucie Sovová, Petr Daněk, Petr Jehlička, Jan Macháč, Lenka DubováPaper presented at virtual Dresden Nexus Conference,