Jan Vávra Essay in the Times of Covid-19 series publishing “flash reflections” on temporal and rhythmic shifts in various social
Day: May 10, 2020

Thinking food like an East European: A critical reflection on the framing of food systemsThinking food like an East European: A critical reflection on the framing of food systems
Petr Jehlička, Miķelis Grīviņš, Oane Visser, Bálint Balázs Journal of Rural Studies. (in press). Open access until 9 July, otherwise

The role of edible cities supporting sustainability transformation – A conceptual multi-dimensional framework tested on a case study in GermanyThe role of edible cities supporting sustainability transformation – A conceptual multi-dimensional framework tested on a case study in Germany
Martina Artmann, Katharina Sartison, Jan Vávra Journal of Cleaner Production 255: 120220. link

Post-socialist smallholders: silence, resistance and alternativesPost-socialist smallholders: silence, resistance and alternatives
Oane Visser, Stefan Dorondel, Petr Jehlička, Max Spoor Canadian Journal of Development Studies 40(4): 499-510. Editorial of Special Section “Post-socialist

Degrowth lessons from the European East: self-provisioning, sharing and the resilient food systemDegrowth lessons from the European East: self-provisioning, sharing and the resilient food system
Petr Jehlička Talk at the Green Academy Winter Seminar “Degrowth Kaleidoscope – Real-Existing Utopias in Action” organised by the Zagreb’s

Ethnography of sharing initiatives in BrnoEthnography of sharing initiatives in Brno
Alena Rýparová Paper at the Ethnographies of Collaborative Economi(es) conference (25 October 2019, University of Edinburgh, UK). Paper in conference